ParaTools Pro for E4S™

ParaTools Pro for E4S™- the Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack – hardened for commercial clouds and supported by ParaTools, Inc. provides a platform for developing and deploying HPC and AI/ML applications. …

TAU Commander

TAU Commander is a production-grade performance engineering solution that improves the productivity of TAU Performance System users. It presents a simple, intuitive, and systemized interface that guides users through performance …

The TAU Performance System

TAU Performance System® is a portable profiling and tracing toolkit for performance analysis of parallel programs written in Fortran, C, C++, Java, Python. As part of the PARATOOLS®  suite of tools, …


ParaTools is analyzing and implementing distributed message passing parallelism with MPI in order to provide a faster and more efficient implementation to a CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code, RotCFD. RotCFD …

PtoolsRTE – Parallel Tools Runtime Environment

 New! The TAU Performance Analysis and Debugging in PToolsRTE tutorial is now available. The Parallel Tools Runtime Environment (PToolsRTE) provides a consistent environment for development and deployment of Python-based parallel …

Open Trace Format

The Open Trace Format (OTF) is a new trace definition and representation for use with large-scale parallel platforms. OTF addresses three objectives: openness, flexibility, and performance. Download SOURCE OTF2Profile v0.95 …


Kppa is a software tool that automatically generates C or Fortran90 code to simulate chemical kinetic systems. It has many applications including atmospheric simulation, chemical reactor modeling, microorganism growth modeling, …


IQB® is a utility for resolving compiler and linker errors which result from missing symbol declarations or definitions. This can happen in the cases of missing #include statements, missing -I …

HPC Linux

ParaTools, with the help of its partners, has created a fully-featured Linux distribution for high performance application development. All the tools you need to build parallel HPC applications are included: …